Adeline Lobdell Atwater papers, ca. 1932-1956.
Related Entities
There are 8 Entities related to this resource.
Newberry Library (person)
The Newberry was founded on July 1, 1887 and opened for business on September 6 of that year. The Newberry’s establishment came about because of a contingent provision in the will of Chicago businessman Walter L. Newberry (1804-68), which left what later amounted to approximately $2.2 million for the foundation of a “free, public” library on the north side of the Chicago River, if his two children died without issue. After the deaths of Mr. Newberry’s daughters and then, in 1885, of his widow, t...
Midwest manuscript Collection (Newberry Library) (corporateBody)
National Woman's Party (corporateBody)
National Woman’s Party (NWP), formerly (1913–16) Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage, American political party that in the early part of the 20th century employed militant methods to fight for an Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Formed in 1913 as the Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage, the organization was headed by Alice Paul and Lucy Burns. Its members had been associated with the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA), but their insistence that woman suffr...
Atwater, Adeline (person)
Author, art dealer and collector. Adeline Lobdell, born in 1887 and raised in Chicago, was educated at local seminaries and briefly at the Art Institute of Chicago. Always interested in modern art, she continued a successful ten-year career managing several other galleries and acting as curator for individual artists' exhibits. Atwater's second career was as an author, and in 1931 she published a work of fiction entitled The Marriage of Don Quixote. In 1932, Atwater marr...
Iroquois Theater (Chicago, Ill.) (corporateBody)
Lobdell family. (family)
Paul, Alice, 1885-1977 (person)
Quaker, lawyer, and lifelong activist for women's rights, Alice Paul was educated at Swarthmore and the University of Pennsylvania, where her doctoral dissertation was on the legal status of women in Pennsylvania. She later earned law degrees from Washington College of Law and American University. Paul also studied economics and sociology at the universities of London and Birmingham and worked at a number of British social settlements (1907-1910). While in England she wa...
Rubinstein, Helena, 1870-1965 (person)